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Post published: Post last modified: 05 April 2014

ESET Mail Security provides Linux, BSD & Solaris based mail servers with effective protection from known
and emerging forms of malware including viruses, worms, Trojans, and other Internet security threats.
Safeguard your Linux, BSD & Solaris file servers with ESET File Security‘s real-time protection from known and emerging threats.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 for Linux Desktop provides complete endpoint protection against cross-platform and emerging threats.

OK, guys, let’s try out how ESET security solutions will work on CentOS 6.3 x86_64 server and protect the server itself and its users.

System used:

  • Platform: VirtualBox
  • Operating system: CentOS 6.3 x86_64
  • Desktop environment: XFCE 4
  • Hosting control panel: ISPconfig 3
  • Web server: nginx
  • Mail server: Postfix
  • Mail Delivery Agent (MDA): maildrop
  • Server name: post.example.com
  • IP address:
  • Same ESETS (ESET Security) installation will work for Mail, Gateway and File security solutions. You can use them all together or separately as long as you own corresponding licences. To obtain a licence(s) for ESET software please visit our e-shop or simply contact us.

Table of contents:

  1. Installing CentOS 6 XFCE mini server
  2. Installing ESET NOD32 4
  3. ESET Mail Security installation and configuration
  4. ESET File Security configuration

I used a minimal image to install CentOS 6.3 on VirtualBox virtual machine.

Installing and configuring CentOS 6.3 XFCE mini server

Firstly install CentOS 6.3 on your machine from minimal iso image. Only a few steps are involved doing it so I will not cover them in this article.

Once your system is ready, login as a root and complete following steps:

Edit your /etc/hosts file and make sure it looks similar to this one:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4   post.example.com     post
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

Edit network settings in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file with vi text editor:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Make sure you have these lines in your network configuration file:


Also you need to add a gateway and at least one DNS server to your network configuration. In order to do that first edit /etc/sysconfig/network file

vi /etc/sysconfig/network

and add these lines:


Then edit /etc/resolv.conf file

vi /etc/resolv.conf

and add this line there:

search .

After all this is done restart network service:
/etc/init.d/network restart

You may run yum update command now to update the system.

To avoid some unnecessary headaches we have to disable SELinux and firewall for now. To do that, we can use nice system-config-firewall tool, but we need to install it first:
yum install system-config-firewall
and then run it:
Untick the option Enabled and click OK>Yes

In order to disable SELinux open /etc/selinux/config file and set SELINUX=disabled
vi /etc/selinux/config

Reboot the machine now:

Now, let’s install Graphic User Interface (GUI) for our server. You are free to skip this step if you are not interested in software that will need GUI.

I prefer XFCE GUI as it is light and elegant so I’ll install it on the server

yum install wget
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
yum groupinstall Xfce
yum install -y xorg-x11-fonts-*

If you start to receive some unresolvable host errors while executing yum commands (i.e. “…[Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 – “Couldn’t resolve host…”) please make sure that /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/sysconfig/network files hasn’t been changed by NetworkManager and if so, repeat corresponding steps above and remove NetworkManager:
yum remove NetworkManager

To start CentOS in graphics mode, change /etc/inittab file and set the content of the file to id:5:initdefault:.

So now we have our mini system ready you are free to choose what else you want to install. As this article focuses on ESET’s solutions for Linux my main aim is to show how to make it working and how does it look like. I’ll try to achieve this by using Nginx web server, Postfix mail server, Courier IMAP server and ISPconfig 3 hosting control panel.

You may want to proceed to these howtos to make your server fully functional:

These apps will become useful should you go for one of options above:
yum install sudo unzip bzip2 unrar perl-DBD-mysql vixie-cron crontabs
/sbin/chkconfig crond on
/sbin/service crond start

NOTE: skip step 14 to avoid installation of clamav antivirus and amavisd-new mail virus scanner.

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Installing ESET NOD32 4 for Linux Desktop (GUI must be used!)

Open Terminal and enter following command to download the latest NOD32 antivirus for Linux (64bit edition):
wget http://download.eset.com/download/unix/eav/eset_nod32av_64bit_en.linux
For Business Edition use this link:
wget http://download.eset.com/download/unix/eavbe/ueavbe.x86_64.en.linux
Make installation file executable:
chmod +x eset_nod32av_64bit_en.linux OR chmod +x ueavbe.x86_64.en.linux for Business Edition.
In order to run this file we also will need 32bit GNU libc libraries so let’s install them:
sudo yum install glibc.i686
And finally install it using this command:
./eset_nod32av_64bit_en.linux OR ./ueavbe.x86_64.en.linux for BE.

From now on you will see visual installation wizard. Gallery below shows installation progress.

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Installation and configuration of ESET Mail Security for Linux


You have to remove previously installed ESET NOD32 for Linux before to proceed with this part of tutorial. Luckily, it’s very easy task to do – simply navigate to Applications Menu > System > ESET NOD32 Antivirus Uninstaller

You also will have to have a username and a password for a product you want to download. You may request a free trial from us if you don’t have them.

So let’s assume that you have a licence. ESET downloads page will request you the licence information, thus we need to access it through the browser – install the browser first:
sudo yum install firefox flash-plugin

After that just use your web browser (Firefox in this case) to get to ESET Mail Security for Linux download page. Pick Red Hat/Mandriva/SUSE/Fedora (64-bit) version, click Download, enter your username and password and save the file in your user’s home directory (in my case it’s /home/donatas). At the time of writing installation filename was esets.x86_64.rpm.bin.

Now in your terminal execute this command to create Mail Security’s RPM package for Red Hat© based Linux distributions:
sh ~/esets.x86_64.rpm.bin

Install some extra libraries:
sudo yum install ed

And then install the RPM package:
sudo rpm -U esets-4.0.8.x86_64.rpm

Now you have to upload/download your ESET licence file on the server. The file is usually packed in nod32.zip archive and it’s called nod32.lic. It should be attached to the registration/purchase confirmation email sent by ESET. I won’t discuss here the ways how you can get this file on your server, but just for consistency put it to your home directory.

Import the licence file:
sudo /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_lic --import ~/nod32.lic

Add your username and password to /etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg file in [global] section under ESETS Update options:
sudo vi /etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg
It should look like this now:

# av_update_username = "username"
# Username used in authentication against ESET server.
av_update_username = "EAV-1234567"

# av_update_password = "password"
# Password used in authentication against ESET server.
av_update_password = "fdsd763dd"

And finally start ESET daemon:
sudo /etc/init.d/esets start

Check if daemon has startded:
ps -C esets_daemon
You should see the following lines:

PID TTY       TIME     CMD
2616 ?        00:00:00 esets_daemon
2618 ?        00:00:05 esets_daemon

Should you wish to uninstall ESET Mail Security for Linux run this command in Terminal:
sudo rpm -e esets

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Let’s make the hard life of server’s admin easier by enabling web interface which allows user friendly configuration. And once again we have to modify ESET configuration file:
sudo vi /etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg
Get down to [wwwi] section and make it look like this:

# Settings for ESETS Web Interface configuration module

# agent_enabled = yes/no
# Enables operation of the esets_wwwi.
agent_enabled = yes

# listen_addr = "address"
# Address (IP or name) where esets_wwwi listens for HTTPS client connections.
# If set to then esets_wwwi listens on all available network interfaces.
listen_addr = ""

# listen_port = port
# TCP port where esets_wwwi listens for HTTPS client connections.
# You may have to open this port in your firewall.
listen_port = 3377

# username and password needed for accessing the interface (required)
username = "eset_adm"
password = "yourStrongPassword"

We wont be able to access the web interface unless we will open our chosen port in firewall or in this case in ISPconfig’s firewall configuration section. So login to your ISPconfig panel (https://localhost:8080, default: admin/admin) and go to System > Firewall (Basic) > Add Firewall record. Add the chosen port (3377) to Open TCP ports field and click Save. Then restarts esets daemon
sudo /etc/init.d/esets restart
and use URL to access your ESET web interface.

Now it’s time to make ESET and Postfix live nicely together.

Since we did not installed amavis we still have to remove any references to it in Postfix main.cf and master.cf files, otherwise email will stuck in a queue producing errors such as “connect to[]:10024: Connection refused” and “warning: connect to transport private/amavis: Connection refused

Open main.cf file,
sudo vi /etc/postfix/main.cf
comment following lines

#content_filter = amavis:[]:10024
#receive_override_options = no_address_mappings

and add this line below them

mailbox_command = /usr/bin/maildrop

or otherwise you will receive this error during the installation: “Postfix inbound install using esets_mda: No file procmail in…

Do similar thing with master.cf file:
sudo vi /etc/postfix/master.cf

#amavis unix - - - - 2 smtp
#        -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
#        -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
# inet n - - - - smtpd
#        -o content_filter=
#        -o local_recipient_maps=
#        -o relay_recipient_maps=
#        -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
#        -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
#        -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
#        -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
#        -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
#        -o mynetworks=
#        -o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
#        -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks
#        -o smtpd_bind_address=

Now restart Postfix and re-queue existing messages:
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart
sudo postsuper -r ALL

I recommend you to try send and receive email over POP3/IMAP/SMTP using current configuration. In that way you will know that it was working before ESET software changed Postfix configuration files. However, ESET also makes a backup of these files and allows to restore it easily.

Let’s enable inbound message scanning now.
Run in Terminal:
sudo /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_setup
Select MTA option and pick the first option after. All this should look like this:

[donatas@erp ~]$ sudo /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_setup
[sudo] password for donatas:

Welcome to esets_setup, the ESET Security interactive automated install script.

It will help you integrate ESET Security with your system easily and can later
undo all changes. In case some files must be modified, they will be
backed up in your home directory.

There are no automated installations for File Servers,
see the guide in /opt/eset/esets/share/doc for general instructions.

Do you want to see commands, which will be executed during installation? (y/n, default=y)
Available ESETS installations/uninstallations:
1) MTA
2) POP3
6) FTP
8) quit
Your selection (1-8): 1
Select MTA install/uninstall:
1) Postfix inbound install using esets_mda: tar cf $HOME/esets_backup-20120814-205345.tar -C / 'etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg' -C / 'etc/postfix/main.cf' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section mda 'mda_path = "/usr/bin/maildrop"' && /etc/init.d/esets restart && echo '#esets orig mboxcmd: /usr/bin/maildrop' >> '/etc/postfix/main.cf' && /usr/sbin/postconf -e 'mailbox_command = /opt/eset/esets/bin/esets_mda -- --recipient="$RECIPIENT" --sender="$SENDER"' && /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix reload
2) Postfix contentfilter install using esets_smtp: tar cf $HOME/esets_backup-20120814-205345.tar -C / 'etc/opt/eset/esets/esets.cfg' -C / 'etc/postfix/main.cf' -C / 'etc/postfix/master.cf' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section smtp 'agent_enabled = yes' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section smtp 'listen_addr = localhost' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section smtp 'listen_port = 2526' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section smtp 'server_addr = localhost' && /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_set --section smtp 'server_port = 2525' && /etc/init.d/esets restart && printf 'localhost:2525 inet  n - n - - smtpd\n  -o content_filter=\n  -o myhostname=esets.example.com\n  -o local_recipient_maps=\n  -o relay_recipient_maps=\n  -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks\n  -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=\n  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=\n  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=\n  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject\n  -o mynetworks=\n' >> '/etc/postfix/master.cf' && /usr/sbin/postconf -e 'content_filter = smtp:[]:2526' && /etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix reload
3) quit
Your selection (1-3): 1
Restarting ESET Security                                   [  OK  ]
Reloading postfix:                                         [  OK  ]

Now add

content_filter = smtp:[]:2526

line to the main.cf file:
sudo vi /etc/postfix/main.cf

And lines

localhost:2525 inet  n - n - - smtpd
	-o content_filter=
	-o myhostname=post.example.com
	-o local_recipient_maps=
	-o relay_recipient_maps=
	-o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks
	-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
	-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
	-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
	-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
	-o mynetworks=

to the master.cf file. Change myhostname to your hostname.
sudo vi /etc/postfix/master.cf

To avoid editing esets.cfg file let’s use web interface and change settings there. Login to you web interface ( and open MDA configuration – Configuration > MDA.

As you can see, web interface offers many configuration options, but let’s focus on a simplest ones just to make sure system is working. Once you are sure, you can play with the settings and adjust them to your needs.

Here is the list what I activated on MDA page:

  • MDA path = /usr/bin/maildrop
  • Anti-Spam action = scan
  • SPAM subject prefix = **SPAM**
  • Spam threshold = 90
  • Likely ham threshold = 50
  • Ham threshold = 10

Set only these values for now and click Save changes on the bottom and Apply changes on left menu.

Now move to SMTP section and make following changes there too:

  • Listen address = localhost
  • Listen port = 2526
  • Server address = localhost
  • Server port = 2525
  • Enable agent = yes
  • Anti-Spam action = scan
  • Spam subject prefix = ***SPAM***

And once again click Save changes on the bottom and Apply changes on left menu.

Restart esets daemon and reload Postfix:
sudo /etc/init.d/esets restart
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload

To test if ESET spam filter is working properly send the message to your server from the domain on different server with the body


in it.
The message should get ***SPAM*** mark from ESET Mail Security and end up in Junk folder.

With this configuration ESET Mail Security will also check for infected mail messages and inform the sender about undelivered mail:

[..]: host[] said: 550 Rejected by ESETS_SMTP (infected) (in reply to end of DATA command)

For more customization options please refer to ESET Mail Security Installation Guide and Manual.

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Configuring ESET File Security for Linux

Dazuko, Dazuko… Yes, I’m going to skip it here, but you can try it out on a newest CentOS kernel and share your results.

My aim here is to show how to use scheduled (on-demand scanner) ESETS file scanning of your users’ web and FTP directories. ESET Mail Security takes care of viruses and spam in your email anyway.

Option 1 – Run scanner manually through the ESETS web interface

Login to your ESET Server Security web interface, which you set at previous stage ( Go to Control > On-Demand Scan, enter /var/www/clients to the Scan targets input field and click Scan. After some time, depending of size of target directory, you will see View/Download links to the scan report.

Should you wish to add more directories simply use colon (:) to separate them.
Here is how scan report looks like (I intentionally put infected file there):

ESET Command-line scanner, version 4.0.8, (C) 1992-2010 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Using license: Donatas (/etc/opt/eset/esets/license/esets_c786df.lic)
Module loader, version 1040 (20120313), build 1048
Module perseus, version 1365 (20120724), build 1486
Module scanner, version 7399 (20120819), build 11898
Module archiver, version 1149 (20120808), build 1115
Module advheur, version 1121 (20111208), build 1081
Module cleaner, version 1057 (20120626), build 1065

Command line: -- /var/www/clients /home/donatas 

Scan started at:   Mon 20 Aug 2012 01:37:19 AM BST
name="/var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/nastyFile.exe", threat="probably a variant of Win32/Agent.SOMENAME trojan", action="unable to clean", info=""
name="/var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/nastyFile.exe » RAR » Setup.exe", threat="probably a variant of Win32/Agent.SOMENAME trojan", action="unable to clean", info=""

Scan completed at: Mon 20 Aug 2012 01:37:32 AM BST
Scan time:         13 sec (0:00:13)
Total:             files - 1731, objects 3227
Infected:          files - 1, objects 1
Cleaned:           files - 0, objects 0

Option 2 – Add On-Demand Scanner task to the Scheduler

Navigate to Configuration > Scheduler and click the button Add New….
On a next screen give the task the name and set Run the task value to Daily and Scheduled task value to On-demand computer scan. Click Next.
Now set the time and tick the box Scan without cleaning if this is what you want. Add at least /var/www/clients to Scan targets field. Click Next, review the summary and click Finish. Do not forget to save and apply the changes too.

Option 3 – Add On-Demand Scanner task to crontab

Here is the full list of ESETS On-Demand Scanner command line options:

/home/donatas$ sudo /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_scan -h
ESET Security on-demand scanner
Syntax: esets_scan [OPTIONS..] FILES..
      --exclude=MASK            exclude files matching MASK from scanning
      --subdir                  scan subfolders (default)
      --no-subdir               do not scan subfolders
      --max-subdir-level=LEVEL  maximum sub-level of folders within folders to 
  -s, --symlink                 follow symbolic links (default)
      --no-symlink              skip symbolic links
      --sysexclude              automatically exclude system control 
                                  directories (default)
      --no-sysexclude           do not exclude system control directories
      --ads                     scan ADS (default)
      --no-ads                  do not scan ADS
  -f, --log-file=FILE           log output to FILE
      --log-rewrite             overwrite output file (default - append)
      --log-console             log output to console (default)
      --no-log-console          do not log output to console
  -o, --log-all                 also log clean files
      --no-log-all              do not log clean files (default)
      --scanlog=TASK:USER       create a scan log with the TASK number and 
      --aind                    show activity indicator
      --auto                    scan and automatically clean all local disks
  -p, --profile=PROFILE         scan with selected PROFILE name
Scanner options:
      --files                   scan files (default)
      --no-files                do not scan files
  -z, --arch                    scan archives (default)
      --no-arch                 do not scan archives
      --max-obj-size=SIZE       only scan files smaller than SIZE megabytes 
                                  (default 0 = unlimited)
      --max-arch-level=LEVEL    maximum sub-level of archives within archives 
                                  (nested archives) to scan
      --scan-timeout=LIMIT      scan archives for LIMIT seconds at maximum
      --max-arch-size=SIZE      only scan the files in an archive if they are 
                                  smaller than SIZE (default 0 = unlimited)
      --max-sfx-size=SIZE       only scan the files in a self-extracting 
                                  archive if they are smaller than SIZE 
                                  megabytes (default 0 = unlimited)
      --mail                    scan email files (default)
      --no-mail                 do not scan email files
      --mailbox                 scan mailboxes (default)
      --no-mailbox              do not scan mailboxes
      --sfx                     scan self-extracting archives (default)
      --no-sfx                  do not scan self-extracting archives
      --rtp                     scan runtime packers (default)
      --no-rtp                  do not scan runtime packers
      --adware                  scan for Adware/Spyware/Riskware (default)
      --no-adware               do not scan for Adware/Spyware/Riskware
      --unsafe                  scan for potentially unsafe applications
      --no-unsafe               do not scan for potentially unsafe 
                                  applications (default)
      --unwanted                scan for potentially unwanted applications
      --no-unwanted             do not scan for potentially unwanted 
                                  applications (default)
      --pattern                 use signatures (default)
      --no-pattern              do not use signatures
      --heur                    enable heuristics (default)
      --no-heur                 disable heuristics
  -w, --adv-heur                enable Advanced heuristics (default)
      --no-adv-heur             disable Advanced heuristics
      --ext=EXTENSIONS          scan only EXTENSIONS delimited by colon
      --ext-exclude=EXTENSIONS  exclude EXTENSIONS delimited by colon from 
      --clean-mode=MODE         use cleaning MODE for infected objects. 
                                  Available options: none, standard (default), 
                                  strict, rigorous, delete
      --quarantine              copy infected files (if cleaned) to Quarantine 
                                  (supplements ACTION)
      --no-quarantine           do not copy infected files to Quarantine
General options:
  -h, --help                    show help and quit
  -v, --version                 show version information and quit
      --preserve-time           preserve last access timestamp
Exit codes:
  0    no threat found
  1    threat found and cleaned
  10   some files could not be scanned (may be threats)
  50   threat found
  100  error
(C) 2012 ESET, spol. s r. o.
To report issues, please visit http://www.eset.com/support

In order to test the scanner, I’ll be using command below. You should see similar output as on example above.
sudo /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_scan --max-obj-size=5000 --no-mail --no-mailbox --clean-mode=none --quarantine /var/www/clients /home/donatas
What does it mean is that I don’t want any files to be scanned bigger than 5000 MB and I don’t want the antivirus to delete scanned files as it may include infected websites of my customers. All I want is the report. Should you wish to delete infected files, just use an option –clean-mode=delete and optionally the option –quarantine to send such files to quarantine for your later review at Control > Quarantine section in a web interface.
Please note, that the command line scanner must be executed as a privileged user (administrator), otherwise it won’t have enough rights to access certain files.

Now add this command to crontab. I want it to happen once a day, say, at midnight.
In terminal type:
sudo crontab -e
Add this line below other lines:

59 23 * * * /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_scan --no-log-console --max-obj-size=5000 --no-mail --no-mailbox --clean-mode=none --quarantine /var/www/clients /home/donatas

After all it should look like this:

* * * * * /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh &> /dev/null
30 00 * * * /usr/local/ispconfig/server/cron_daily.sh &> /dev/null
0 0 * * * /usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/create_daily_nginx_access_logs.sh &> /dev/null
59 23 * * * /opt/eset/esets/sbin/esets_scan --no-log-console --max-obj-size=5000 --no-mail --no-mailbox --clean-mode=none --quarantine /var/www/clients /home/donatas

You also should receive email report after each scan to your root mail.

More information can be found in ESET File Security Installation manual.

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