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Post published: Post last modified: 05 April 2014

Druva inSync is a simple and non-intrusive enterprise laptop backup solution to protect corporate data for office and remote users. It uses global data deduplication to save 90% in bandwidth and storage, and provides instant data access over PC, web, smartphone and tablets.

 This simple tutorial will show how to install Druva inSync on Fedora 16 (Verne, i686).

  1. Installation

  2. Configuration of inSync Server

  3. Configuration of inSync Client

  4. Uninstallation

  5. Gallery


First thing you have to do is to download Server and Client RPM packages from druva.com. At the time of writing this guide it was versions 4.5 and 4.1 respectively.
OK, so once you saved these somewhere on your hard drive, simply double click on inSync-Server-Professional-Installer package first and choose Install. You will be asked for root password so make sure you know it. Do the same with inSync-Client-Installer package.


Now we must configure Web Administration account, because inSync Server is configured using web interface. We will simply set username and password for web admin account using this script (copy and paste it to your Terminal window):

sudo /opt/Druva/inSyncServer/sbin/insync-config.sh

From now on you can access Druva inSync Control Panel using this URL: http://localhost:6065. Enter your email address and password and you will be redirected to the home page of Control Panel.

Click on green button Open Control Panel to enter an area where you can set various parameters of your backup server.

Before to create a user we must create a storage. In other words – the folder where our backups will get stored. To achieve this use this command to create a new folder which we will be using for our backups and set the right permissions for this folder (use whatever folder name and location you want)

mkdir /usr/local/backups

sudo chown insyncserver:insyncserver /usr/local/backups

Now go to Management > Storage > Create New Storage choose the folder you created as your Data folder. You can change more parameters there too.

We are ready to create a user now. Go to Management > Users > Create and define your user’s parameters. Should you wish to send Authentication Key by email, first you have to configure SMTP parameters (Settings > SMTP). By default Authentication Key will be saved on a desktop.

Now it’s the time to load this key to inSync Client. Go to Applications > System Tools and click on inSync Client. On a top right corner of the screen you will notice green Druva icon with the yellow exclamation mark what means, that Authentication Key is not loaded. Click left once on the icon and choose Load Key on a dialogue that appears. Choose the key you have saved few steps before. Now you have to see nice green icon.

Right click on it and pick Configure option. Go through the available options and create the backup routine which suits your needs. Backups will be created in the intervals you chose, but you also can start the process manually by choosing Sync Now option.


Uninstall Druva inSync Server and Client using these commands:

  • Client – Find what software version are you using:

rpm -qa | grep druva-insync-client

  • Remove Client’s package (change the version to the one you have):

rpm -e inSync-Server-Professional-Installer-ver-4.5-r6987.i386.rpm

  • Server:

rpm -qa | grep insync-server-professional

  • Remove Server’s package (change the version to the one you have):

sudo rpm -e druva-insync-server-professional-4.5-6987.1092.i386



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