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Post published: Post last modified: 05 April 2014

Bluefish and BlueJ installation on Fedora 16

In this topic I’m not covering installation of any Linux distribution, however, you can find a very useful and easy to follow guides on HowtoForge.com website. The system I’m using is Linux Fedora 16 i686 (32 bit), but very similar instructions should apply for other Red Hat based Linux distributions, such as CentOS, Red Hat or Yellow Dog Linux.

Web Development

Installing Bluefish

It’s very easy to install Bluefish editor on Fedora. For me it was important to be able to manage HTML5 and CSS3, so you will be able to do it with this application and much more.

  1. Navigate to Applications > System Tools > Add/Remove Software
  2. In a search field type bluefish and press Find
  3. Select “GTK2 web development application for experienced users” (bluefish-2.0.3-4-fc16) package and press Apply. Required package will be downloaded and installed on system.
  4. You will find Bluefish application on a top menu Applications > Programming > Bluefish Editor


Installing Java SE Development Kit 7

In order to use BlueJ, we need to have JDK6 or JDK7 installed on our system. Fedora has it’s native Java package OpenJDK 6 installed, but as long as I now, it is not recommended to use it with BlueJ. But you might try and comment here later 😉 So, here are the installation steps:

  1.  Download JDK 7 package here: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u1-b08/jdk-7u1-linux-i586.rpm. First you must accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE to download this software. Because my system is Red Hat based and it uses 32 bit architecture, I have to choose first package on a list “Linux x86 RPM”. To check what Linux distribution and architecture are you running, simply open Terminal (Applications > System Tools > Terminal) and type command uname -a. You will get something like this “Linux localhost.localdomain 3.1.0-7.fc16.i686 #1 SMP Tue Nov 1 21:00:16 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux”, where fc16 stands for Fedora 16 and i686 basically means that this distribution runs on x86 machine.
  2. After clicking this link you should get download dialogue asking what you want to do next. Choose “Open with: Software install (default)”and press OK. You also will be asked for a superuser password once download finishes and installation process will take a place. You should know it or al least the person who installed the system will.
  3. Executable JDK 7 files will be placed here /usr/java/jdkversion/bin/. I.e., my path is this: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_01/bin/.

Installing BlueJ on Linux

Since BlueJ does not provide Linux installation instructions for us, we will use Unix ones:

    1.  Download BlueJ .jar file (al other systems): http://www.bluej.org/download/download.html, in my case it was version 3.06. Save it wherever you want. By default it will go to /home/yourusername/Downloads directory.
    2. Open Terminal (Applications > System Tools > Terminal) and run installation using this command : /usr/java/jdkversion/bin/java -jar /path/to/bluejjarfile/bluej-version.jar. In my case it was /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_01/bin/java -jar /home/donatas/Downloads/bluej-306.jar
    3. You will see BlueJ Installer window. Check that paths are correct and press Install.
    4. To run BlueJ and to check if it works use these commands on your Terminal:

This is it! It should be enough to study Web Development and Java programming at University of Brighton at first semester 😉

There is also a Database module and you can setup LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) on your machine fairly easy. One of many articles how to achieve this can be found here: http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-apache2-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-fedora-15-lamp

Enjoy your studies!

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