Social Media Marketing and Optimization
Some of the Social Media services that I can offer to You:
- Create Facebook page for Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public person, Entertainment, Cause or Community.
- Make a Welcome landing page
- Add extra Tabs with desired content to Facebook page
- Add Facebook Like button to your website or blog for content sharing
- Add Facebook Like box or Badge to your website or blog, where visitors will be able to become your fan directly from your website
- Setup Facebook Ads champaign(s)
- Connect your Facebook account to your Twitter account so you can share your latest posts on it.
- Other available Facebook features
- Setup a Twitter profile and create a design for it following your company's guidelines
- Add Tweet button to your website or blog for content sharing and subscribing to your tweets
- Add Latests Tweets widget to your website or blog to show for your visitors your last activity
- Other available Twitter features
- Create YouTube video channel and create a design for it
following your company's guidelines
- Organize your video's titles, descriptions and tags
- Connect your YouTube account to your Twitter account so you can share your latest events on it.
- Other available YouTube features
- Setup your blogging platform and create a design for it
following your company's guidelines
- Add various features to your blog, like, Facebook Like
Box/Button, subscription links, custom HTML/JavaScript code and many more
- Other available Blogger features
- Create a LinkedIn personal profile or Company's page
- Create a LinkedIn groups so you can:
- Quickly discover the most popular discussions in your professional groups.
- Have an active part in determining the top discussions by liking and commenting.
- Follow the most influential people in your groups by checking the Top Influencers board or clicking their profile image to see all their group activity.
- See both member-generated discussions and news in one setting.
- Easily browse previews of the last three comments in a discussion.
- Find interesting discussions by seeing who liked a discussion and how many people commented.
- Connect your LinkedIn account to your Twitter account so you can share your latest information on it.
- Other available LinkedIn features
- Setup a Flickr account so you can publish your photos and videos
- Organize Albums, Sets and Galleries
- Optimize pictures tags and descriptions
- Other available Flickr features
- Setup FeedBurner to share your latest information / news with subscribers
- Connect your FeedBurner account to your Twitter account
- Other available FeedBurner features
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